The Project Appreciation proposes various ways to sharpen our appreciative muscles:
Appreciation Journeys – One day journeys to dive into appreciation or 8 weeks 1 hour online journeys. This is the first step to get acquainted and experience Appreciation in embodied way, with practices, self reflection and setting a personal goal for your own personal journey.
Appreciation Circles – These Circles are a key way we’ve found to practice appreciation in community. You can find more clicking on the link.
Daily Practices – As the project evolves, we will build a repository of daily practices that you can use to develop appreciative muscles in your work environment, with yourself, in your city, in nature, in your family and relationships.
Appreciation Coaching – Do you want to embark on an individual journey of self discovery and reconnection with your ability to live in wonder? If so, the path of individual appreciation coaching may be for you.
Retreats – We will be offering yearly retreats of 3 to 5 days – including movement, contemplation, dialogue and self reflection – to experience appreciation in an immersive way.
Publications – Our first e-book – “Leading an Appreciative Life” will be coming out shortly. Keep tunned.
Videos and Podcasts – every month, there will be a new podcasts sharing experiences and interviews with people who are inspire us to lead an appreciative life. Martial Arts Sanseis, Entrepreneurs, Youngsters, Housewives, Community Leaders, Wise Elders… If you have people who are examples of curiosity and openness towards the world, do let us know, we’d love to interview them.